  • ๐Ÿ‡ฌ๐Ÿ‡ง Copper
  • ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ฆ ะœั–ะดัŒ
  • ๐Ÿ‡จ๐Ÿ‡ณ ้Š…
  • ๐Ÿ‡ณ๐Ÿ‡ฑ Koper
  • ๐Ÿ‡ซ๐Ÿ‡ท Cuivre
  • ๐Ÿ‡ฉ๐Ÿ‡ช Kupfer
  • ๐Ÿ‡ฎ๐Ÿ‡ฑ ื ื—ื•ืฉืช
  • ๐Ÿ‡ฎ๐Ÿ‡น Rame
  • ๐Ÿ‡ฏ๐Ÿ‡ต ้Š…
  • ๐Ÿ‡ต๐Ÿ‡น Cobre
  • ๐Ÿ‡ช๐Ÿ‡ธ Cobre
  • ๐Ÿ‡ธ๐Ÿ‡ช Koppar
  • ๐Ÿ‡ท๐Ÿ‡บ ะœะตะดัŒ
This table has links to all the properties of copper included within WebElements. Follow the "Link to definition of property" or "Link to data for property" of the element copper.
Link to definition of property Link to copper data for property
Abundances of the elementscopper
Abundance in carbonaceous meteorites (by weight)copper
Abundance in carbonaceous meteorites (by atoms)copper
Abundance in Earth's crust (by weight)copper
Abundance in Earth's crust (by atoms)copper
Abundance in iron meteorites (by weight)copper
Abundance in iron meteorites (by atoms)copper
Abundance in oceans (by weight)copper
Abundance in oceans (by atoms)copper
Abundance in stream water (by weight)copper
Abundance in stream water (by atoms)copper
Abundance in the sun (by weight)copper
Abundance in the sun (by atoms)copper
Abundance in the universe (by weight)copper
Abundance in the universe (by atoms)copper
Abundances in humans (by weight)copper
Abundances in humans (by atoms)copper
Atomic radii (Clementi)copper
Atomc radii (calculated)copper
Atomic radius (empirical)copper
Atomic numbercopper
Atomic spectracopper
Block in periodic tablecopper
Boiling pointcopper
Boiling point of highest fluoridecopper
Boiling point of hydridecopper
Bond enthalpy (single bond)copper
Bond enthalpy of diatomic M-Al moleculescopper
Bond enthalpy of diatomic M-Ar moleculescopper
Bond enthalpy of diatomic M-As moleculescopper
Bond enthalpy of diatomic M-B moleculescopper
Bond enthalpy of diatomic M-Ba moleculescopper
Bond enthalpy of diatomic M-Be moleculescopper
Bond enthalpy of diatomic M-Bi moleculescopper
Bond enthalpy of diatomic M-Br moleculescopper
Bond enthalpy of diatomic M-C moleculescopper
Bond enthalpy of diatomic M-Ca moleculescopper
Bond enthalpy of diatomic M-Cl moleculescopper
Bond enthalpy of diatomic M-Cs moleculescopper
Bond enthalpy of diatomic M-F moleculescopper
Bond enthalpy of diatomic M-Fr moleculescopper
Bond enthalpy of diatomic M-Ga moleculescopper
Bond enthalpy of diatomic M-Ge moleculescopper
Bond enthalpy of diatomic M-H moleculescopper
Bond enthalpy of diatomic M-He moleculescopper
Bond enthalpy of diatomic M-I moleculescopper
Bond enthalpy of diatomic M-In moleculescopper
Bond enthalpy of diatomic M-K moleculescopper
Bond enthalpy of diatomic M-Kr moleculescopper
Bond enthalpy of diatomic M-Li moleculescopper
Bond enthalpy of diatomic M-Mg moleculescopper
Bond enthalpy of diatomic M-N moleculescopper
Bond enthalpy of diatomic M-Na moleculescopper
Bond enthalpy of diatomic M-Ne moleculescopper
Bond enthalpy of diatomic M-O moleculescopper
Bond enthalpy of diatomic M-P moleculescopper
Bond enthalpy of diatomic M-Pb moleculescopper
Bond enthalpy of diatomic M-Ra moleculescopper
Bond enthalpy of diatomic M-Rb moleculescopper
Bond enthalpy of diatomic M-Rn moleculescopper
Bond enthalpy of diatomic M-S moleculescopper
Bond enthalpy of diatomic M-Sb moleculescopper
Bond enthalpy of diatomic M-Se moleculescopper
Bond enthalpy of diatomic M-Si moleculescopper
Bond enthalpy of diatomic M-Sn moleculescopper
Bond enthalpy of diatomic M-Sr moleculescopper
Bond enthalpy of diatomic M-Te moleculescopper
Bond enthalpy of diatomic M-Tl moleculescopper
Bond enthalpy of diatomic M-Xe moleculescopper
Bond enthalpy of diatomic moleculescopper
Bond enthalpy of homodinuclear moleculescopper
Bond length in elementcopper
Bulk moduluscopper
CAS Registry numbercopper
Common oxidation numberscopper
Covalent radiuscopper
covalent radii revisited (2008 values)copper
Covalent radii (molecular single bond)copper
Covalent radii (molecular double bond)copper
Covalent radii (molecular triple bond)copper
Critical temperaturecopper
Crystal structurecopper
Density of solidcopper
Effective nuclear charge (Clementi)copper
Effective nuclear charge (Clementi) - 1scopper
Effective nuclear charge (Clementi) - 2pcopper
Effective nuclear charge (Clementi) - 2scopper
Effective nuclear charge (Clementi) - 3dcopper
Effective nuclear charge (Clementi) - 3pcopper
Effective nuclear charge (Clementi) - 3scopper
Effective nuclear charge (Clementi) - 4dcopper
Effective nuclear charge (Clementi) - 4fcopper
Effective nuclear charge (Clementi) - 4pcopper
Effective nuclear charge (Clementi) - 4scopper
Effective nuclear charge (Clementi) - 5dcopper
Effective nuclear charge (Clementi) - 5pcopper
Effective nuclear charge (Clementi) - 5scopper
Effective nuclear charge (Clementi) - 6pcopper
Effective nuclear charge (Clementi) - 6scopper
Electrical resistivitycopper
Electron affinitycopper
Electron binding energiescopper
Electron binding energies (K)copper
Electron binding energies (L-I)copper
Electron binding energies (L-II)copper
Electron binding energies (L-III)copper
Electron binding energies (M-I)copper
Electron binding energies (M-II)copper
Electron binding energies (M-III)copper
Electron binding energies (M-IV)copper
Electron binding energies (M-V)copper
Electron binding energies (N-I)copper
Electron binding energies (N-II)copper
Electron binding energies (N-III)copper
Electron binding energies (N-IV)copper
Electron binding energies (N-V)copper
Electron binding energies (N-VI)copper
Electron binding energies (N-VII)copper
Electron binding energies (O-I)copper
Electron binding energies (O-II)copper
Electron binding energies (O-III)copper
Electron binding energies (O-IV)copper
Electron binding energies (O-V)copper
Electron binding energies (P-I)copper
Electron binding energies (P-II)copper
Electron binding energies (P-III)copper
Electron shell structurecopper
Electronegativity (Allen)copper
Electronegativity (Allred-Rochow)copper
Electronegativity (Mulliken-Jaffe - s)copper
Electronegativity (Mulliken-Jaffe - sp)copper
Electronegativity (Mulliken-Jaffe -sp2)copper
Electronegativity (Mulliken-Jaffe -sp3)copper
Electronegativity (Mulliken-Jaffe)copper
Electronegativity (Mulliken-Jaffe) p-orbitalcopper
Electronegativity (Pauling)copper
Electronegativity (Sanderson)copper
Electronic configurationcopper
Element names and symbolscopper
Element popularitycopper
Enthalpy of atomizationcopper
Enthalpy of fusioncopper
Enthalpy of vaporizationcopper
Group Namecopper
Group numberscopper
Hardness - Brinellcopper
Hardness - Mineralogicalcopper
Hardness - Vickerscopper
Health hazardscopper
History of the elementcopper
Hydration enthalpy for metal ion M[I]copper
Hydration enthalpy for metal ion M[II]copper
Hydration enthalpy for metal ion M[III]copper
Hydration enthalpy for metal ion M[IV]copper
Hydrolysis constant of hydrated metal ion M(I)copper
Hydrolysis constant of hydrated metal ion M(II)copper
Hydrolysis constant of hydrated metal ion M(III)copper
Hydrolysis constant of hydrated metal ion M(IV)copper
Ionic radii (Shannon)copper
Ionic radii (Shannon) for 8-coordinate M(-I) ioncopper
Ionic radii (Shannon) for 8-coordinate M(-II) ioncopper
Ionic radii (Shannon) for 8-coordinate M(I) ioncopper
Ionic radii (Shannon) for 8-coordinate M(II) ioncopper
Ionic radii (Shannon) for 8-coordinate M(III) ioncopper
Ionic radii (Shannon) for 8-coordinate M(IV) ioncopper
Ionic radii (Shannon) for 8-coordinate M(V) ioncopper
Ionic radii (Shannon) for 8-coordinate M(VI) ioncopper
Ionic radii (Shannon) for octahedral M(-III) ioncopper
Ionic radii (Shannon) for octahedral M(-II) ioncopper
Ionic radii (Shannon) for octahedral M(-I) ioncopper
Ionic radii (Shannon) for octahedral M(I) ioncopper
Ionic radii (Shannon): low spin octahedral M(II) ioncopper
Ionic radii (Shannon): high spin octahedral M(II) ioncopper
Ionic radii (Shannon): low spin octahedral M(III) ioncopper
Ionic radii (Shannon): high spin octahedral M(III) ioncopper
Ionic radii (Shannon): low spin octahedral M(IV) ioncopper
Ionic radii (Shannon): high spin octahedral M(IV) ioncopper
Ionic radii (Shannon) for octahedral M(V) ioncopper
Ionic radii (Shannon) for octahedral M(VI) ioncopper
Ionic radii (Shannon) for octahedral M(VII) ioncopper
Ionic radii (Shannon) for octahedral M(VIII) ioncopper
Ionic radii (Shannon) for square planar M(I) ioncopper
Ionic radii (Shannon) for square planar M(II) ioncopper
Ionic radii (Shannon) for square planar M(III) ioncopper
Ionic radii (Shannon) for tetrahedral M(-III) ioncopper
Ionic radii (Shannon) for tetrahedral M(-I) ioncopper
Ionic radii (Shannon) for tetrahedral M(-II) ioncopper
Ionic radii (Shannon) for tetrahedral M(I) ioncopper
Ionic radii (Shannon) for tetrahedral M(II) ioncopper
Ionic radii (Shannon) for tetrahedral M(III) ioncopper
Ionic radii (Shannon) for tetrahedral M(IV) ioncopper
Ionic radii (Shannon) for tetrahedral M(V) ioncopper
Ionic radii (Shannon) for tetrahedral M(VI) ioncopper
Ionic radii (Shannon) for tetrahedral M(VII) ioncopper
Ionic radii (Shannon) for tetrahedral M(VIII) ioncopper
Ionic radius (Pauling)copper
Ionic radius (Pauling) for M(-IV) ioncopper
Ionic radius (Pauling) for M(-III) ioncopper
Ionic radius (Pauling) for M(-II) ioncopper
Ionic radius (Pauling) for M(-I) ioncopper
Ionic radius (Pauling) for M(I) ioncopper
Ionic radius (Pauling) for M(II) ioncopper
Ionic radius (Pauling) for M(III) ioncopper
Ionic radius (Pauling) for M(IV) ioncopper
Ionic radius (Pauling) for M(V) ioncopper
Ionic radius (Pauling) for M(VI) ioncopper
Ionic radius (Pauling) for M(VII) ioncopper
Ionization energiescopper
Ionization energy: 1stcopper
Ionization energy: 2ndcopper
Ionization energy: 3rdcopper
Ionization energy: 4thcopper
Ionization energy: 5thcopper
Ionization energy: 6thcopper
Ionization energy: 7thcopper
Ionization energy: 8thcopper
Ionization energy: 9thcopper
Ionization energy: 10thcopper
Ionization energy: 11thcopper
Ionization energy: 12thcopper
Ionization energy: 13thcopper
Ionization energy: 14thcopper
Ionization energy: 15thcopper
Ionization energy: 16thcopper
Ionization energy: 17thcopper
Ionization energy: 18thcopper
Ionization energy: 19thcopper
Ionization energy: 20thcopper
Ionization energy: 21stcopper
Lattice energiescopper
Lattice energies (calculated) for MHcopper
Lattice energies (calculated) for MH2copper
Lattice energies (calculated) for MH3copper
Lattice energies (calculated) for MH4copper
Lattice energies (calculated) for MFcopper
Lattice energies (calculated) for MF2copper
Lattice energies (calculated) for MF3copper
Lattice energies (calculated) for MF4copper
Lattice energies (calculated) for MClcopper
Lattice energies (calculated) for MCl2copper
Lattice energies (calculated) for MCl3copper
Lattice energies (calculated) for MCl4copper
Lattice energies (calculated) for MBrcopper
Lattice energies (calculated) for MBr2copper
Lattice energies (calculated) for MBr3copper
Lattice energies (calculated) for MBr4copper
Lattice energies (calculated) for MIcopper
Lattice energies (calculated) for MI2copper
Lattice energies (calculated) for MI3copper
Lattice energies (calculated) for MI4copper
Lattice energies (calculated) for M2Ocopper
Lattice energies (calculated) for MOcopper
Lattice energies (calculated) for M2O2copper
Lattice energies (calculated) for M2O3copper
Lattice energies (calculated) for MO2copper
Lattice energies (calculated) for MO3copper
Lattice energies (thermochemical cycle) for MHcopper
Lattice energies (thermochemical cycle) for MH2copper
Lattice energies (thermochemical cycle) for MH3copper
Lattice energies (thermochemical cycle) for MH4copper
Lattice energies (thermochemical cycle) for MFcopper
Lattice energies (thermochemical cycle) for MF2copper
Lattice energies (thermochemical cycle) for MF3copper
Lattice energies (thermochemical cycle) for MF4copper
Lattice energies (thermochemical cycle) for MClcopper
Lattice energies (thermochemical cycle) for MCl2copper
Lattice energies (thermochemical cycle) for MCl3copper
Lattice energies (thermochemical cycle) for MCl4copper
Lattice energies (thermochemical cycle) for MBrcopper
Lattice energies (thermochemical cycle) for MBr2copper
Lattice energies (thermochemical cycle) for MBr3copper
Lattice energies (thermochemical cycle) for MBr4copper
Lattice energies (thermochemical cycle) for MIcopper
Lattice energies (thermochemical cycle) for MI2copper
Lattice energies (thermochemical cycle) for MI3copper
Lattice energies (thermochemical cycle) for MI4copper
Lattice energies (thermochemical cycle) for M2Ocopper
Lattice energies (thermochemical cycle) for MOcopper
Lattice energies (thermochemical cycle) for M2O2copper
Lattice energies (thermochemical cycle) for M2O3copper
Lattice energies (thermochemical cycle) for MO2copper
Lattice energies (thermochemical cycle) for MO3copper
Linear expansion coefficientcopper
Liquid Rangecopper
Meaning of namecopper
Melting pointcopper
Melting point of the highest fluoridecopper
Melting point of the hydridecopper
Menu to displays of periodic propertiescopper
Molar volumecopper
NMR datacopper
Orbital propertiescopper
Period numberscopper
Poisson's ratiocopper
Properties of some compoundscopper
Radius - metallic (12)copper
Reactions of the elementscopper
Reduction potential of hydrated M(I) ionscopper
Reduction potential of hydrated M(II) ionscopper
Reduction potential of hydrated M(III) ionscopper
Reduction potential of hydrated M(IV) ionscopper
Refractive indexcopper
Rigidity moduluscopper
Single bond enthalpy in highest bromidecopper
Single bond enthalpy in highest chloridecopper
Single bond enthalpy in highest fluoridecopper
Single bond enthalpy in highest iodidecopper
Standard atomic weightscopper
standard reduction potentialscopper
Standard statecopper
Superconductivity temperaturecopper
Term symbolcopper
Thermal conductivitycopper
Thermodynamic propertiescopper
Total mass in 70 kg humancopper
valence orbital R(max)copper
valence s-orbital R(max)copper
valence p-orbital R(max)copper
valence d-orbital R(max)copper
valence f-orbital R(max)copper
valence s-orbital R(max)copper
valence p-orbital R(max)copper
valence d-orbital R(max)copper
valence f-orbital R(max)copper
Van der Waals radiuscopper
Velocity of soundcopper
X-ray mass absorption coefficientscopper
X-ray mass absorption coefficients (Ag-Kα)copper
X-ray mass absorption coefficients (Co-Kα)copper
X-ray mass absorption coefficients (Cr-Kα)copper
X-ray mass absorption coefficients (Cu-Kα)copper
X-ray mass absorption coefficients (Fe-Kα)copper
X-ray mass absorption coefficients (Mo-Kα)copper
X-ray mass absorption coefficients (Ni-Kα)copper
X-ray mass absorption coefficients (W-Lα)copper
Young's moduluscopper